On May 18th we hit Skate and Surf! Brianna and Corrine surprised me and bought my ticket! That meant that I had about 24hrs to throw an outfit together. I think I did a pretty good job for such short notice. I had been waiting to wear my 90s Kid fringe, crop tank that had just come in the mail so I wore that with a pair of blue high waisted shorts that I had just gotten. It was one of the coolest experiences of my life!! It was raining the entire day but it only added to the experience! They're is seriously nothing like dancing in the rain.I'm glad I had my hat in my bag though... lol. It's always an amazing time when I get to see Paradise Fears! They're such cool guys and amazing musicians and performers. I finally got Sam to write out lyrics for my future tattoo (sorry Mommy). Singing Sanctuary at the top of my lungs, as the sun set, in the rain was definitely the best moment of my life. I Sanctuary-ed so hard I twisted my ankle. I was able to meet other awesome bands like Forever the Sickest Kids and Mayday Parade! And after almost having to cause a scene I was able to fufill a dream and see FALL OUT BOY... I repeat, FALL OUT BOY perform live!! IS THIS REAL LIFE?!?!!? So incredible!

"That's the thing with music, when it hits you feel no pain"
Bree from The New Royalty
Promoting Action Item like it's our job
Dancing in the rain
90s Kid Tank- Forever 21
High Waisted Shorts- Marshalls
I <3 NY Hat- Street Fair in NYC
Vest- JC Penneys
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